A quale ora del giorno fare esercizi per il pavimento pelvico ?

Leggevo in un articolo trovato su The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research che il momento che garantisce la performance migliore per l'allenamento muscolare e' il tardo pomeriggio, quando i muscoli esprimono la massima potenza.
Quindi via libera agli esercizi per il pavimento pelvico alle ore 18, ricordandovi che si tratta di esercizi a bassa intensità, con lenta respirazione e perlopiu' di lunga e tenuta contrazione tonica.

Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research:
doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182510886
Original Research

Assessing Explosive Power Production Using the Backward Overhead Shot Throw and the Effects of Morning Resistance Exercise on Afternoon Performance

Ekstrand, Laura G.1,2,3; Battaglini, Claudio L.1,2,3; McMurray, Robert G.1,2,3; Shields, Edgar W.1,2,3

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Abstract: Ekstrand, LG, Battaglini, CL, McMurray, RG, and Shields, EW. Assessing explosive power production using the backward overhead shot throw and the effects of morning resistance exercise on afternoon performance. J Strength Cond Res 27(1): 101–106, 2013—The purpose of this study was to determine if performing a morning total-body resistance exercise workout affects explosive power in an afternoon session. The secondary goal was to assess the usefulness of the backward overhead shot throw (BOST) as a measure of explosive power in experienced thrower in the sport of athletics. Throwers (N = 14) performed 1 control and 1 experimental trial on separate days. The control consisted of BOST and a vertical jump (VJ) testing performed in the afternoon. For the experimental trial, the participants reported for a short resistance training session in the morning then repeating the BOST and VJ testing 4–6 hours later. The BOST distance (meters) and VJ peak power (watts) were correlated in both trials (r ∼ 0.64, p < 0.05). The BOST distance improved in experimental trial over control (p < 0.05), but VJ power failed to improve. The results indicate that a morning resistance exercise bout can improve competitive throwing performance later on the same day. The results also suggest that BOST may be a useful performance testing tool for throwers in the sports of athletics.

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